I miss the old me...
The me who always laugh truly of my friends jokes
Not the one who plaster the plastic smile on my face
I miss the old me...
The me who always being happy with this life
Not the one who become more and more pathetic
I miss the old me...
The me who can tell all the problems to the trusted friends
Not the one who hide in sorrow and darkness
I miss the old me...
The me who can love everyone and anything she likes
Not the one who is limiting her love by herself
I miss the old me.
Come back to me please.
I'm missing you a lot "The Old Me".
this time i have to start being the one i have been before. the old me.
Kelemahan dan Keburukan Seseorang Juga Merupakan Satu Rezeki
Assalamualaikum w.b.t
Dalam Islam, kita percaya kepada rezeki. Dan rezeki juga sering kali
dikaitkan dengan "Luck". Kita boleh berusaha untuk dapatkan r...
3 years ago
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Komen la sikit ye.. jangan la baca je.. hehehe :P